What is the Brain Training Process Like?

  • Amen Clinics Certified Brain Health Professional Linda Guzman conducts every intake appointment** and session 
  • Clients relax in a serene environment for 45-65 minutes each training session
  • No long waits to experience results, typically: most clients notice significant gains in only the first 5-8 sessions
  • No home activities
  • Non-invasive and pain-free
  • Perfectly safe: no adverse side effects or contraindications have been identified in 60 years of neurofeedback research
  • No tears...unless you have tears of joy over the magnificent gains you make!
  • Cutting-edge technology and FDA-approved hardware ​​

​**BrainPaint® neurofeedback does NOT require an expensive brain scan or brain map to get started. A study compared the BrainPaint® assessment for protocol selection to that of a brain map and concluded, "...it is not possible to draw conclusions regarding any advantage regarding QEEG-specific training -- versus Scott/Peniston [the BrainPaint® technique] -- using current analysis." ~Roger J. deBeus, PhD, BCIA-EEG

​Elevate your brain function. Elevate your life.​

Final Step

  • After an average of 20-30 sessions at a minimum of 2x/week, it's time to graduate Elevate Brain Training's brain health program to thrive and to live life to the fullest, like Client "J" below (who had a little support from "Mrs. Unicorn")!
  • Neurofeedback results are permanent when clients complete their regimen as prescribed and when clients employ brain-healthy habits learned throughout their time at Elevate Brain Training.
  • Some clients may need more than the 20-30 session average, depending on their goals. 
Elevate Brain Training Fresno Neurofeedback

Copyright © 2024 Elevate Brain Training. All rights reserved.

Elevate Brain Training is a BBB Accredited Biofeedback Therapist in Fresno, CA

Step 3

  • Just sit back and relax: Listen to musical tones; watch wondrous, morphing fractal images reflecting your brainwave activity; and be engaged for a total of about 24-35 minutes of neurofeedback.
  • Clients may have eyes-open training and/or eyes-closed training. 
  • ​In most sessions, Amen Clinics methods are used to provide personalized brain health counseling, including but not limited to brain health basics like sleep hygiene, brain-healthy diet options, lifestyle, and so on.
  • Additional Amen Clinics assessments may be conducted over the course of one's brain health regimen -- an average of 20-30 sessions over 10-15 weeks.

Step 1: Intake

  • Clients bring their completed Amen Clinics Intake Assessments to intake appointment.
  • During your intake, Amen Clinics Certified Brain Health Coach Linda Guzman will use the BrainPaint® 90-Question Evaluation Tool approved by UCLA's 2005 Human Subject Committee as a valid, reliable tool to determine individualized neurofeedback protocols (types of brainwave training & duration of each type of brainwave training). In some cases, there will be an extra computer activity called a "BrainPrint" which provides more data, specifically a "thumbprint" of your brainwave activity. 
  • No pricey brain map is needed with the system.

Step 2

At the beginning of each subsequent 65-minute session, Linda abides by BrainPaint® Standards of Care by acquiring your input in 10-14 categories. Your responses to these questions determine if and how much your protocols need to be refined since your previous session.

Next, it's time for sensor placement:

  • Sensor sites on ears and scalp will be rigorously cleaned.
  • Sensors will be put on your ears and scalp, sometimes your forehead.
  • Nothing goes into your brain.
  • Sensors pick up your brain's electrical activity, similar to how a heart rate monitor picks up your heart rate. 

​See below video "Combat Veteran Gets New Lease on Life" for a glimpse into a session at Elevate Brain Training.